International Festival

March 8-12, 2021

Recordings available on each Event’s page.


===>>RSVP HERE<<===

A week-long festival, with an event each day, designed to bring cultural awareness to participants and to serve as a platform for organizations and individuals to showcase and honor their home cultures.

I-Exhibit: (All Week)

For I-Exhibit (all week), international organizations are invited to submit self-recorded videos demonstrating various aspects of their culture. ISA will organize and post these videos along with other submitted content on our I-Exhibit Page to be on display throughout the week.

I-Story: Live-streamed (3/9 Tuesday 4:30-6pm)

I-Story (Tuesday, March 9) is where students can give a short, informative presentation on a culture of their choice. Participants will be giving their presentations in person, with the event being live-streamed. The links to the live stream will be given after RSVP’ing in the form on this page.

I-Dinner: Pre-order Pickup at Williams Alumni Center parking lot (3/10 Wednesday 5:30-7:30pm) – – SOLD OUT

For I-Dinner (Wednesday, March 10), rather than hosting an in-person buffet, ISA will be distributing pre-ordered food packages at the Williams Alumni Center parking lot. Attendees must pre-order their entree and dessert items from our online marketplace by Sunday Midnight.

Unfortunately, we’ve already sold out for this event. If you’ve already placed your order, please schedule when you’d like to pick-up here.

I-Show: Rudder Theatre & Live-streamed (3/11 Thursday 8-10pm)

At I-Show (Thursday, March 11) performance groups or individuals are given the stage of Rudder Theatre to showcase fashion or perform music, dances or other talents. While a limited audience will be allowed in the auditorium (RSVP Required), the event also will be live streamed.


I-Art: Live-streamed (3/12 Friday 10am-1pm)

I-Art is a new event this year! It consists of free online art classes highlighting the art of other culture. To enable this, ISA will provide contactless distribution of art kits to everyone who fills out the RSVP form. More details can be found at the I-Art page.



I-Awards: Live-Streamed (3/12 Friday 5:30-7pm)

As the closing ceremony for the week, I-Awards serves as ISA’s finale to a week-long celebration of A&M’s ethnically diverse student body. All participants and interested students and administrators are invited to attend the virtual event. Winners are announced, members are recognized, and everyone is given a chance to mix and mingle (virtually).

We encourage you to consider being a part of the biggest Texas A&M international festival of the year. If you would like to attend or participate in any of these events, please respond to one of the two google forms:

===>>RSVP HERE<<===

Ultimately, I-Week is all about celebrating the melting pot of cultural diversity we have right here in our community.

The number of participants may be limited by the COVID-19 guidelines.